December 17, 2012

My Students Aren't Always Cute...But When They Are, I Take Pictures.

     The title pretty much sums up my thoughts as to the general behavior of most of my students this semester.  I know they mean well, I know they're naturally playful, but class can generally be a struggle with 20-25 kids who tune in as quickly as they tune out.  I'm tired of having conversations about Korean education vs. U.S.A. education policy and practice, but I will say this: my kids get away with more than I'd ever like during class time, and I'm surprised my co-teacher isn't as angry about it as I am.

     That being said, here are some pictures of my students doing their thing in their cuter moments, i.e. those in which I'm not shushing them, asking them to stop writing on their desks, and sending them out of the room, to their homeroom and to the principal's office.  I've always said, and sometimes continue to say, that for all the bad days, all it takes is a cute smile or deed or some funny Konglish from a student to make you remember why you do this 40 hours a week.  

     Without further yammering, enjoy some cute 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th graders of Songhwa Elementary:

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