January 2, 2012

Halloween In Korea

     Halloween came and went in Korea, and it wasn't without some good memories.  Though it didn't happen on Halloween night, the major event of the holiday was the annual Halloween party for foreigners in Jeollanam-do province, held in Mokpo as many things are.  Can't thank all the good folks in that neck of the woods enough for all the good things they do for the rest of us.  Here are a few pics of the festivities:

Monti, getting his clown swag ready.  Had no idea what he was gonna be for Halloween, and when I came out of the shower, this is what I saw.  Dude made it work.

Here's the Erik Gray you all know and love, all decked out in his lederhosen and getting all sauced up.  He appears here with Miss Shari Beaver, a favorite of the Mokpo crowd who had a creepy mystique going with this costume of hers all night long.

Me and Miss Megan Corless.  For all of you that know my Halloween habits, I want to apologize again for the Quail Man costume.  I know it's been the 2nd or 3rd time I've gone to it, and it seems to get increasingly crappier each time, but you'd better believe it's easy and gets a chuckle.  

Here is Erik Gray doing what he does best, folks: drink beer and mack on Korean girls.  But seriously, the dude is a stud, and was dancing on a couch like this with anywhere between 2 and 5 Korean girls all night, so good on him, eh?  Dude's got game.

Here's a shot of some partygoers.  Moe's was absolutely packed with about 90% foreigners and 10% Koreans; probably one of only a few nights each year where one might be able to say that.  We flooded the place.

Our friend Nichole, who lives in Suncheon, hamming it up with our favorite little sister of Hampyeong, Miss Erin Stieler.  If you look closely, you'll see Erin was dressed as none other than the cute and charming Pam Beasley from "The Office."  And how good did that suit her?  When I asked her just 2 days previous to the Halloween shindig, she mentioned it was on a short list of possible costumes...and then I looked her in the eye and realized the resemblance is absolutely uncanny.

This is how we get our Halloween on at Wolya Elementary, on the Monday of October 31st.  After some introductory power points and videos, we made hand bats.  Here is one 3rd grader showing off her work.

All this little dude needed to know was that candy awaited those who finished.  He didn't leave my side the whole time he made his bat...he just wanted that chocolate.

The onslaught of "TEACHER, TRICK OR TREAT!"

Probably my mainest man of all of Wolya Elementary, Eu Taek.  Coolest 4th grader you'll ever meet, and he loves English.  Proud owner of a new, cute hand bat.  But seriously, you ask this kid about his day, and it's never "fine," or "okay" or "happy."  Eu Taek, without fail, is "GREAT!"

The bat cave of hand bats from grades 3 through 5.  They stayed up all through Christmas, at which point Mrs. Kim decided it was probably best to decorate the room with some winter materials.  That seemed to make sense, seeing as it as December...

Nothing related to Halloween as far as these pictures go, but my last 2 hours of my workday on Halloween were spent with this kind fellow--a 1st grader who loves playing computer games and doing math problems!  Although he speaks no English, and talks mostly in giggles and sounds, we had endless fun giving each other simple math problems and racing around the room.  How happy is he?

Math problems, math problems, math problems...they just don't quit studying, even in 1st grade!

     Okay, so that might have been a weak post and way too picture-oriented, but I'm in a rush to get you all caught up through November and December.  Might come back with a post right after I press "publish" on this one.  Either way, I'll be back with more stories and pics in the next 24 hours.  Winter camps are upon us and the schedule is busy, but life is still good and it's been a nice stretch of days to open 2012 thus far.  Hope you're all enjoying your new year with your friends and or family, and especially safe travels to my little sister, Rita, who is soon to be en route to Guatemala for 2 weeks.  Couldn't be more proud of and more excited for her.  How's it feel to have 2 kids abroad at the same time, Pops?

Lots of love, and all the best,


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