January 8, 2012

...Some Changes Coming.

     Hey folks, it's pretty evident so far that my vow to blog every day until vacation hasn't really been brought to fruition.  As much as I'm sorry about that, I realize that I've done enough things here that all warrant their own stories and little posts, and most of you can see the photo representations of those on Facebook and whatnot.  So what I'll do now is start the blogging again at Christmas time--I'll keep things nice and detailed, with plenty of pictures, and just include everything from Halloween until around Christmas in a slideshow which will be featured in some part of my page.  That way, everyone's happy to see what's going on and I can actually give more attention to things that are actually happening right about now.  The last 2-3 weeks have been some of the best yet, as the holidays have made for great celebrations with friends and winter camps have made for a lot of great bonding and creative time with my students.  It's hard to explain, but with a semester in Hampyeong under my belt, things are starting to change a little bit in every way here--my mindset on Korea, my mindset on Hampyeong, my mindset on staying another year or coming home, my mindset about vacation and about just how small/big the world is, all of those good things.

     So this lazy Sunday afternoon in Hampyeong, I promise, my blog will have some new vibes going--but no worries, you can still see all of my pictures, as I'll keep them up in a slideshow.  New year, new things.  Roll with the changes.

All the best, and love to all,


1 comment:

  1. Lovin' your blog, Sam!
    Excited to hear about this new mindset! :)
